Monthly Stories

Monthly Stories

Years ago, I started writing Weekly Stories, where I’d get an idea, hammer out a story, and post it each week. There were three main reasons I did that. One, it’s good practice for writing. Two, it gave me a pool of stories to draw from to fill up collections. And three, it gave a reason for people to visit my webpage. But I stopped because I wanted to spend that time and energy on my “more important” stories. Also, back then I could get an idea and hammer out a somewhat decent story in a few hundred words. Now it seems every idea I get is for a novella. I don’t know if I’ve “grown” as a writer and want to delve deeper into topics, or if I’ve just burned through all of my few hundred-word story ideas.

That’s how everything stood at the end of 2022 when Twitter went into a death spiral. Which sucked for me because probably 90% of all my social media interaction/book marketing was done on Twitter. So I was in a bit of a panic trying to figure out how to adjust. One thing I had been thinking about was trying to do more with my webpage. So Monthly Stories was born. By giving myself a month instead of just a week, hopefully I’ll be able to come up with something. I’ll also have stories to add to new collections, and it’s a reason for people to check out my website. I guess the more things change, the more they stay the same.


January - “Scheming” - What can I do to get you to look at my book?
February - “Outstanding Merit” - A rich prick gets his just deserts.
March - “Always a Catch” - There’s always something that derails great plans.
April - “When You Put it Like That” - The sad thing is, this could apply to so many elected politicians.
May - “Let That Be a Lesson” - Sadly, too many people will have chapters in that book.
June - “Die Trying” - I’m somewhat surprised nobody has done this.
July - TBD
August - TBD
September - TBD
October - TBD
November - TBD
December - TBD

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January - “Resolved” - New Year’s resolution to screw up.
February - “Long Shot” - DNA tests for racists.
March - “Work Smarter” - Workers know their job better than their boss.
April - “Inevitable?” - Terrorist group bombs gun shops.
May - “Two Futures” - Two possible futures for a trans person.
June - “In a Privileged World” - A world with no pride coffee cups.
July - “It’s Too Hot” - Government inaction on climate change.
August - “The Struggle is Real” - A writer wanting to write a happy story.
September - “Forbidding Knowledge” - A witch saves her poetry books.
October - “That’s … a Plan” - This island doesn’t exist.
November - “Sweet Dreams” - If this technology existed, you know companies would be doing this.
December - “He Knows” - He sees you when you’re sleeping/He knows when you’re awake.

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