During the summer of 2006, there was an event that was big news for two days. Late on the second day, I came up with a story idea that tied into it. I thought it was just my luck that I would come up with a good story idea on a current event, but that it would be several months (at best) before I could get it published, by which time nobody would remember what I was talking about. So I decided to start publishing a story every week, that way people would know what I was talking about with stories based on current events. In case you’re wondering, here is the story that started it all: “Speak Up.”
There were other reasons for me putting a story up every week. One, forcing myself to write something each week is just good practice in general. Two, it is a scheme I have for getting people to keep coming back to my website. (Sneaky, aren’t I?) And three, I thought that if I actually wrote a story a week, I could slap together a book, a Year in 52 Stories idea. For two-and-a-half years, I put a story up my website for most weeks. While I never got around to doing a Year in 52 Stories book, I have put many of my Weekly Stories into my various anthologies.
But I suspended doing Weekly Stories in 2009 to free up time for other projects. My thinking was that all the time I spent writing my Weekly Stories I could just put into my longer projects. That works sometimes, but there is a drawback. By necessity, these Weekly Stories are usually rather short, typically just a few hundred words. What that means is that I can get the idea, write it up, wait a day or so, then polish it up and post it. I get to see “tangible” progress with my writing. For longer projects, you plug away at them day after day, for months before you finish the rough draft. Then you have to polish it and try to find someone to publish it. Having a novel published is (I suspect) a far greater reward than self-publishing a 300 word short story about the latest political scandal, but those smaller rewards are far more immediate and moral boosting.
Thus, after years of getting bogged down in my longer projects, I have decided to go back to putting up Weekly Stories. There is, however, one big difference. Before, all of my Weekly Stories were published on my webpage (there are links to them below.) But for 2014 I put my stories on my Bubblews page, which is no longer around.
Finally, I suppose I should warn you that these stories may be a little rough, but that’s because all of them went from a spark in my mind to words on a screen within a matter of days. And it is a good chance that none of them have been critiqued, so this is my writing at its rawest. Hope you enjoy.
Stories from 2006.
Stories for the First Half of 2007.
Stories for the Second Half of 2007.
Stories for the First Half of 2008.
Stories for the Second Half of 2008.
Stories for 2014.