Stephen L. Thompson's Newsletter Sites

Stephen L. Thompson’s Newsletter

Shortly after I started this website, I figured I should have a newsletter for my writing successes. At first I emailed it to some friends every quarter, but then I started posting them monthly on my website, and then later on an old blog. If you’re curious, the page I set up for it all is still up, but I haven’t done any newsletters since July 2013. I forget exactly why I stopped doing them, but I think a large part of it was it seemed to be a hassle without much payoff.

Everything was fine, until November of 2020. I was thinking of doing a year end wrap up, but it seemed a bit of a hassle to go back to see what all I did over the year, and I realized it would be a lot easier to do quarterly wrap ups, so I decided to go back into the Newsletter business. We’ll see how long this lasts.

2025 First Quarter, Second Quarter, Third Quarter, Fourth Quarter

2024 First Quarter, Second Quarter, Third Quarter, Fourth Quarter

2023 First Quarter, Second Quarter, Third Quarter, Fourth Quarter

2022 First Quarter, Second Quarter, Third Quarter, Fourth Quarter

2021 First Quarter, Second Quarter, Third Quarter, Fourth Quarter

2020 First Quarter, Second Quarter, Third Quarter, Fourth Quarter

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